Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Great Moon Hoax

   Did we land on the moon first? On February 15th the Fox television show aired a program all about the Unites States landing on the moon first. Many guests on the show argued that NASA in the 1960's was not capable to reach the moon due to technology. In their theory they believed that NASA wanted to win the space race between the Soviets so bad that they acted out the space landing in movie studios. Those involved in the Conspiracy Theory state that the pictures of the astronauts transmitted from the moon do not include stars in the lunar sky.
   Now, most photographers know that in their line of profession it is hard to capture something very bright and something very dim on a photograph. Another so called "Conspiracy" came up when they seen a picture of astronauts placing a U.S flag on the moon. The Flag however was rippling, but how can that be so if space in nothing but a vacuum? The only logical solution that can be thought of to solve this conspiracy is the fact that when astronauts were placing the flag on the moon they were rotating it back and forth thus, causing the flag to wave. NASA said that just as Columbus carried a few hundred natives back to Spain as evidence of his trip to the New World, so did Apollo astronauts but instead of bringing slaves back they brought 841 pounds of Moon rock.
   Meteoroids exceed speeds of 50,000 mph, many times faster that a speeding bullet. Moon rocks are known to have isotopes which are not found on Earth. Now knowing this information why do Conspirathists say that scientists make their own moon rocks? McKay states that making a moon rock to fool a international army of scientists might be more difficult that the Manhattan Project. Thus, brings up another idea.
   Did NASA go to the moon to collect moon rocks for their moon landing? Many researchers have examined the Apollo Moon samples and not one researcher all belonged to NASA. Dozens of scientists in different countries were loaned the sample from NASA. Now if NASA had to go thru all this trouble to just stage a fake moon landing wouldn't it have been easier to actually have went to the moon, then go to the trouble of producing a fake one.
   Those who called the moon landing a hoax were proven wrong or right depending what side you are taking. For every conspiracy there was a reasonable answer to it. The lack of technology in the 1960's did not prove to be a problem for thier mission to land on the moon. Neither did the flag when it was being placed on the moon by both astronauts. So the question comes around again, did we land on the moon? You decide.

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